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Services for Individuals

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive Technology is a term for creative tools and strategies that help people accomplish tasks at home, school, work, and in the community. A great example of this is using your voice to turn on lights in your house; click here to see a tool that can do this!

To read more about the different kinds of AT available, please visit our What is AT page.

How do I try it?

There are a number of ways that you can try AT. One way is through an equipment demonstration at a local AT Tryout Center. To read more about equipment demo’s, and to find a Tryout Center near you, visit our Try It page.

How do I borrow it?

In order to ensure that a piece of equipment will work for you, our loan program allows you to borrow equipment from our inventory for 30-days, free of charge. If you are interested in borrowing a piece of equipment, visit our Borrow It page to learn more.

What if I’m ready to buy AT?

So you’ve seen an equipment demo, borrowed the equipment for 30 days and found that you really like it, now what? To find information about equipment funding, or the used equipment marketplace, visit our Get It page.

What if I'm from an organization?

Our services are available for organizations too.  Visit our Services for Organizations page to learn more.

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